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Borrowed Value Does Not Live Long Enough


Rust Error: Borrowed Value Does Not Live Long Enough

Problem Description

The "borrowed value does not live long enough" error in Rust occurs when a borrowed value is used after the lifetime of the value it references has ended.


In Rust, borrowing refers to the temporary ownership of a value without taking ownership of the value itself. When a value is borrowed, the lifetime of the borrowed value is tied to the lifetime of the original value it references. If the original value's lifetime ends before the borrowed value is finished using, the borrowed value becomes invalid. This can lead to the "borrowed value does not live long enough" error.


To resolve this error, ensure that the borrowed value's lifetime extends beyond the point where it is used. This can be achieved by either: * Shortening the lifetime of the borrowed value * Extending the lifetime of the original value


In the following code, the reference `line` is borrowed from the variable `data`. However, `line` is used after `data` has gone out of scope. This causes the "borrowed value does not live long enough" error. ```rust fn main() { let data = String::from("Hello, world!"); let line = data.lines().next().unwrap(); // ... drop(data); // ... println!("{}", line); // Error: borrowed value does not live long enough } ``` To fix this error, the lifetime of `line` can be shortened by limiting its scope to the `drop(data)` statement: ```rust fn main() { let data = String::from("Hello, world!"); { let line = data.lines().next().unwrap(); // ... } drop(data); // ... println!("{}", line); // Error: borrowed value does not live long enough } ``` Alternatively, the lifetime of `data` can be extended by moving its declaration to a higher scope: ```rust fn main() { let data = String::from("Hello, world!"); loop { let line = data.lines().next().unwrap(); // ... } } ```



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